Lodge Cast Iron Dual Handle Pan Review

Lodge L10SKL cast iron panThe Lodge cast iron dual handle pan might just be the perfect cookware for my Kamado Joe Classic grill.

We found this late one night while trolling through the Amazon Lodge cast iron offerings for anything new.

I am familiar with most of the Lodge cast iron product line. This Lodge dual handle cast iron skillet is something new I hadn’t seen before.

I liked the idea of having a Lodge dual handle pan, so I hit the “Buy now with 1-Click” button. Yeah, I was tired and it was late, and you know what I am talking about? It is all too easy to click that button thinking of what you might be able to do with a new piece of cast iron cookware.

With that Amazon Prime shipping, the Lodge L10SKL cast iron pan landed at my front door in no time.

Kamado Joe Bone Broth

kamado joe bone brothKamado Joe bone broth. What the …

Okay stick with me here …

Three days ago, I spun a chicken on my Kamado Joe JoeTisserie.

Well, as usual, it was awesome, nothing new here. I’m getting closer to achieving that crispy oven roasted skin texture. More on that in a future post.

Man Cave Root Beer Bratwursts on the Kamado Joe

Man Cave Root Beer Bratwursts on the Kamado JoeToday was going to be burgers on the grill day, but as I was eyeballing the meat selection, I saw some Man Cave Root Beer Bratwursts, ON SALE!

I even had a $1.00 Man Cave coupon.

Kamado Joe Smoked Bacon and Brussels Sprouts

kamado joe smoked bacon and brussels sproutsOkay, Kamado Joe smoked bacon and Brussels sprouts are up today for some quality outdoor eats. After a few days working off all of that turkey and the trimmings, firing up the Joe gives you that food you really wanted to see on the table.

Never had Kamado Joe smoked bacon and Brussels sprouts?

You have to give this a try. They are really easy to make.

Man Cave Bacon, Beer & Cheddar Cheese Bratwursts on the Kamado Joe

Kamado Joe Man Cave Bacon, Beer & Cheddar Cheese BratwurstsOn a whim, I picked up a box of the Man Cave Bacon, Beer & Cheddar Cheese Bratwursts for a Kamado Joe cookout.

I have seen them at the local grocer during the past several visits. So today, I tossed them in the cart, along with a few beers and other necessities. Steaming the grilled brats in onions and beer is one of my favorite weekend Kamado Joe grilling treats.

Kamado Joe Grilled Fish

kamado joe grilled fish

Kamado Joe grilled fish might sound intimidating to some. After all, grilling fish directly on the grill grates is not one of those read about it and you’re now an expert skills.

Grilling fish on the grates takes practice to earn that coveted grill master merit badge.

In the mean time, read on and I’ll tell you my Kamado Joe fish grilling secrets.

Kamado Joe Smoked Meatballs and Honey Sriracha Sauce

kamado joe smoked meatballsThis is one of my favorite weekend recipes for make ahead lunches and snacks; Kamado Joe smoked meatballs with a honey sriracha sauce. So get outside and fire up your Joe.

Kamado Joe Smoked Bacon Wrapped Bratwursts

kamado joe smoked bacon wrapped bratwurstsThis is one of my favorite weekend recipes; Kamado Joe smoked bacon wrapped bratwursts. This time I am using cherry for the wood smoke. I had a TON of cherry smoking wood thanks to by awesome brother-in-law Doug. Thanks Doug!

Kamado Joe Bacon

kamado joe baconIt’s been a busy few months here at the hacienda with making homemade and wood smoked Kamado Joe bacon. Making your own bacon at home is a super easy life-skill to master. We consumers find it all too easy to pick up that cellophane wrapped cardboard framed package at the big-box store. Let’s rediscover some of those everyday commonplace food preservation skills our Grandparents relied on for sustenance.

The Barbecue Towel

stained barbecue towel I now consider a barbecue towel as an outdoor cooking necessity. Whether you call them barbecue towels or grilling towels, you need them.

Outdoor cooking can be a messy task. Just look at what happens to the “good stuff.”

Because I was grabbing whatever was in arms reach, I have stained and scorched many of the indoor kitchen towels much to the dismay of my better-half.

Can you relate?