This will be the first post in a series of posts for making the ultimate Kamado Joe burger.
We’re going to take apart the process and look at each step in this series of upcoming posts. We’re going to see where we can improve and maybe learn something new together along the way.
After all, grilling up some burgers is an after-work, weeknight go-to meal plan around here. A burger with a side of something makes for an easy no fuss dinner strategy. However, burgers are not just weeknight staples; they’re just downright good for that weekend grilling feast as well.
Kamado Joe Burgers – Grilling Tools
In this post, we’re going to focus on essential Kamado Joe burger grilling tools. Those must-have and should-have Kamado Joe accessories necessary for that premium Kamado Joe burger weeknight and weekend cookout.
No worries, we’re not looking at extravagant hard-to-find grilling tools here.
Kamado Joe Burgers – Grilling Spatula
First, let’s look at the grill spatula. You need something to reach out and flip those meat patties. Don’t settle for some foo-foo boxed-set of fancy looking grill tools. You know, like those offerings from that Mega-mart down the road.
Here is our go-to checklist for the ideal burger spatula:

One of my spatula sets — this Camp Chef spatula set has been in service around here since we purchased them back May 2013 and they’re still going strong. Today, these have over 300 Amazon customer reviews averaging 4.6 out of 5 stars. Check out the current pricing, read the customer reviews, and other product information here on
A synthetic handle: yes, that elegant rosewood handle sure looks nice when you rip off that shrink-wrap. However, in a few weeks, that fancy finish will be long gone and that rosewood handle will have cracked and come loose from those aluminum rivets. That natural wood finish certainly looks good, but let’s get past that glossy brochure mind set. We’re looking for functionality, that weather-resistant synthetic handle will give you years of dependable burger flipping service.
While we are looking at the handle end of things, a hole for a cordage loop is a nice plus. Our Kamado Joe side-shelves have limited top-side real estate. A cordage loop of sorts allows you to hang the burger spatula from the side-shelf hangers until needed. Paracord is inexpensive makes an ideal cordage loop. It’s resistant to ordinary dish washing detergents and those outdoor elements. It’s rot resistant, so it’ll be okay after sitting outside for a week or so if you forget. We like these folks and their selection of paracord colors and patterns. Check out their paracord offerings, customer reviews, and other information here on

Paracord is just plain handy to have for all sorts of what-not issues and tasks.
A twelve-inch length is ideal for making these loops. If you’re using paracord, be sure to singe the ends so they don’t unravel. Finish it off with a square knot and your good.
Is paracord dishwasher safe. No, paracord is not dishwasher safe. I figured someone would wonder. Why? … well, it seems like those paracord knots loosen during the dishwasher operating cycle and fall down and right over the top of heating element. So, no, in my house, paracord is not dishwasher safe.
Handle length: a longer spatula handle will keep those knuckles from scorching. If the handle is too long and flexes too much, you may sacrifice leverage. More on that in a bit. Our own burger flipper handle isn’t all that long, but we do have a nice pair of heavy-duty heat resistant grilling gloves to use here. More on that in a bit.
Stainless steel:: the only way to go. Stainless steel won’t rust. Yes, you’ll forget and leave some of your grilling arsenal outside, overnight or maybe longer. Cheap gear will have developed a nice industrial looking rusty patina. A stainless steel burger spatula is what you need for the long-term and for those Kamado Joe premium burger cookouts.
Stay away from plastic or Teflon coated spatula blades. Those will melt on first contact with that hot stainless steel Kamado Joe grill grate. Teflon fumes and bits do not make for good eats.
Stout construction: : some burger flippers are just plain ole wimpy. We mentioned leverage earlier. Some burger flippers bend and flex way too much. Walk, no run, past those items. You need a stiff and stout burger flipper. Consider that pressure which is needed when you press down and scoot that spatula up under the meat patty for a clean release and a flip. Those el’cheapo flexi-spatulas will leave you with broken burger bits falling into the charcoal fire.
Beveled edge:: a knife-like beveled edge is a plus for your burger flipper. That knife-like edge will let you scooch up and under the burger at flipping time. One good smooth scoot is all that’s needed. No broken burgers. We’ll talk about how to avoid the broken burger syndrome in our making the ultimate Kamado Joe burger series.
Spatula width: look for a burger spatula that somewhere close to 4-inches wide. To wide and you lose burger-cooking real estate on your cook top — needing extra space for getting that extra-wide spatula under the burger patty. An ideal spatula will lift and support the entire meat patty at flipping time.
Kamado Joe Burgers – Grilling Tongs
Okay, so we have the burger flipper figure out. Now let’s look at another burger making essential, those grilling tongs.
We covered handles, — look for something synthetic for all the same reasons we have talked about.
You need a loop handle for some cordage. You’ll need one, two, or more sets of grilling tongs. No cross-contamination of food items. These cordage loops let you hang these tongs out of the prime top-side real estate side-shelve area.
A 16-inch set of tongs or longer is ideal, keeping your essential hand parts out of the charcoal heat.

Of course, stainless steel is a must. You’re going to forget and leave these out in the rain, overnight, or maybe longer. Consider that you might also use these over a fire pit or a campground charcoal grill on your next weekend outing.
Locking tongs, well we never found much need for this option, other than for storage. Most sets of grilling tongs are locking.
Those clam shell scalloped edge makes gripping easier. Nothing fancy needed here, just the raw gripping power. Besides burgers and buns, you’ll use these for all sorts of other grilling chores. Moving hot charcoal, adding a chunk of smoking wood, moving those ears of roasted corn, well, you get the idea …
Kamado Joe Burgers – Heat Resistant Gloves
We consider these heavy-duty heat resistant barbecue gloves a must have when wrangling around hot grill grates and heat deflectors. They are heavy-duty padded leather gloves that cover the hands, wrists, and most of the forearm.

Heat resistant gloves do wear out and require replacement. Our new set of heavy-duty heat resistant barbecue gloves on the left; my May 2013 purchased set on the right. Today, these have over 300 Amazon customer reviews averaging 4.6 out of 5 stars. Check out the current pricing, read the customer reviews, and other product information here on
So, you know have the skills needed to seek out that ideal burger flipper, grilling tongs, and heavy-duty heat resistant grilling gloves. Three essential tools needed to make the ultimate Kamado Joe burger.
Next we’ll look at setting up that Kamado Joe for consistent premium burger cooking results.
Check out my other Kamado Joe and JoeTisserie recipes and links here on my Outdoor Eats page.