Taking a few days off from work while Midge is out of town. Mostly I am dog sitting.
Today, the gray storm clouds were hanging overhead with an occasional sprinkle. Yesterday I picked up a just bit over the 4 pound mark pork sirloin roast for some JoeTisserie action.
JoeTisserie Pork Sirloin Roast
So let’s get started …
The JoeTisserie motor doesn’t have any sort of weatherproofing. I didn’t want to mix water and electricity. In my reckless desire to just get outside and do something, I figured I could cover the motor should there be any more rain. You can check out earlier my Kamado Joe JoeTisserie review here.
Prepping the pork roast is way easy. I tossed it in a large Ziploc bag, along with a bottle of Italian dressing for an overnight soak. This morning, after a good drain, I trussed up the pork roast to keep all of the loose pork pieces from flopping around on the JoeTisserie.
After getting the pork roast secured onto the spit rod, I gave it a good coat of sea salt and fresh ground black pepper.
The Kamado Joe had stabilized at a perfect 350 degrees. Adding a few fist size chunks of cherry wood and the pork roast, I let the Kamado Joe JoeTisserie do its thing.
The gray clouds were darkening slightly off to the south. As long as they stayed there I would be good.
After an hour, I checked the temperature. My not so instant, instant read thermometer said 120 degrees. I still had some nice blue smoke coming from the Kamado Joe dome. But the pork roast was not quite the 145 I was looking for. After another half an hour, she was running exactly at 145 degrees.
Donning my leather JoeTisserie gloves, I shook the spit rod loose from the JoeTisserie motor. You need heavy-duty leather gloves to protect your hands and forearms from that grilling-heat and the branding-iron-hot JoeTisserie spit rod. These are the heavy-duty leather grilling gloves I use.

The dogs, Kory and Keesha, were underfoot as I pulled out the spit rod and spit rod forks. They were blazing hot and went into the sink to cool.
I cut off a bit for a taste, man it was good! Kory and Keesha thought so as well as I gave them a few tidbits.
All I can say is WOW, this was good! A nice smoky pork roast, great pork flavor. This is definitely a keeper recipe for my JoeTisserie recipe collection.
Check out my other Kamado Joe and JoeTisserie recipes and links here on my Outdoor Eats page.