A couple of days ago, I decided to go out and make a few casts at a nearby retention pond.
After a few casts, something gave my bait a big thump. On caveman instinct, I set the hook, almost falling backwards into the brush.
Pimping The Hawg Trough
Something big grabbed my bait and took off, making a run towards the middle of the pond. My rod is almost folded in half, the drag, screaming and giving out line.
I finally mange to get this thing to the bank, the fish looks like a bass, only a lot bigger! My heart wanted to jump out of my chest as I quickly grabbed its lip and brought it on the bank.
It was huge, my folding Bass Pro measuring board only went to 24 1/2 inches. There was fish to spare. This Queen Hawg measured about 25 inches. If only I had a scale AND a bigger fish measure.

I got my trophy picture and let her go.
Get yourself a Hawg Trough
So I ordered myself this Hawg Trough on Amazon. The Hawg Trough will measure those monster fish up to 30 inches in length.

The stock Hawg Trough needs some modifications. First, it needs help with floatation, and second, it needs help with visibility.
The Hawg Trough needs some help staying on top of the water, — should it fall overboard. I used some 1/2 inch foam caulk backer rod and put it into the two channels that run along the back of the Hawg Trough. A bit of glue gun assistance to help secure the foam backer rod into place. I used a bit on the ends and also 1/4 of the way in. So each of the foam pieces were securely glued to the Hawg Trough in four spots.

I also wanted to better see the fish measurements in my trophy shots. The Hawg Trough does have markings every 1/4 inch, but those markings are barely visible.

To make those 1/4 inch markings more visible, I used a permanent marker to make them stand out. Just a light touch rubbing that marker on the raised markings will do the trick.

Those 1/4 inch increments are all nicely marked. They show up nicely in the trophy photos.

Next time I catch Queen Hawg, I will be ready!!!
Get yourself a Hawg Trough today so you’re ready.