How To Fish Crankbaits: Fishing Tactics

Spring crankbait fishing
Spring crankbait fishing

Today’s post is about how to fish crankbaits.

There are a good number of ways to fish them. Today, we will cover two of the more popular methods.

Spring Crankbait Fishing – Are You Ready?

spring crankbait fishing
Spring Fever? It is time to get out and restock that tackle bag for some early spring crankbait fishing.

The local ponds and lakes in my area are still frozen or slushed over; old man winter is still hanging around. When that thaw starts, I want to be ready to get out fishing and see what might happen.

Easy Homemade Bacon

homemade bacon
Whether you consider bacon a breakfast staple or basic food group, I think we would all agree that just about everything goes better with bacon! In all of its salty, smoky, and porky goodness, bacon is something that speaks to our inner hunter-gatherer.

Why make your own?

Happy “International Dog Biscuit Day,” –Woof!

February 23th is known as International Dog Biscuit Day!

dog biscuit day

If my BFFs could read, I am sure they would have been hounding me about the date? They do have a scent for these sorts of things.

I did a bit of digging around in the corners of the internet but couldn’t sniff out much on the source of the holiday.

I asked the BFFs, but they just looked at me? Tails just a wagging! Anticipation for something, maybe an extra biscuit or two on their special day?

Catching More Fish!

Old Man Winter might just be giving us is last one-two punch of the year! The snow and ice from last week’s winter storm is giving way to a somewhat warmer and rainy weekend.

Does he have any remaining tricks up his sleeve?

For me, it is time to start thinking about getting outside and catching some fish!

I don’t know about you, but every time the weather warms a bit I get the “itch” to get outside for some of that quality rod and reel time.

Happy “Northern Hemisphere Hootie-Hoo Day!”

February 20th is known as Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day!

Hootie Hoo knew?

Actually, I ran across this holiday by accident while doing a bit of research for another holiday.

Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day is a copyrighted holiday from the folks over at To celebrate this holiday, you are to go outside at high-noon and yell “Hoodie-Hoo” to get rid of those wintertime “blah’s” and get ready for spring.

I didn’t know that an “average joe” could create a holiday? An interesting thought for consideration.

Who Else Wants To Try More Craft Beer?

craft beer merit badgeOne of my New Year’s resolutions was to try more craft beers!

I especially wanted to try more hometown and regional brews, –those craft beers from Virginia.

As I thought more about this goal, I thought it would be cool to award myself some sort of merit badge, maybe one for every five new craft beers? I have yet to find something that might pass as a cool looking craft beer merit badge. That is something I will continue to look for!

Photography 101 – Almost Maybe

Pentax Optio WG-2
Pentax Optio WG-2

I have been shopping around for a new compact camera that would stand up to outdoor elements. You know, the rain, the cold, getting wet and so on.

The camera I have now is the Pentax Optio WG-2. I purchased it some time ago, –but I have not been happy with the image quality of this camera.

I am a point-and-shoot guy. Getting a shot of that big fish my buddy caught or maybe a deer spied along a riverbank, there is not much time to tinker with settings. It has been a set-and-forget, on automatic, letting the camera figure out what to do.

Grilled Bratwurst On The Kamado Joe

grilled bratwursts on the kamado joeGrilled Bratwurst in a hot tub is probably my favorite Kamado Joe bratwurst cooking method.

These are real easy to make. You’ll need to make a bunch of these grilled bratwursts once your neighbors get a whiff of what is going on.

Today is shaping up to be the better half of the weekend. Tomorrow, yet another cold front will have made its way into my neck-of-the-woods with a rain and snow mix to coat everything.

So let’s get started …

How To Make Beef Jerky

Making beef jerky is easy! All you need is your food dehydrator. Check out my food dehydrator page for all things dehydrators.

Who doesn’t like beef jerky? You probably wouldn’t be looking at this if you didn’t!

Homemade beef jerky is my go-to snack when I am enjoying the outdoors.

Beef jerky bits are also the BFF’s favorite as well! Actually, just about everything is their favorite?

Your own homemade beef jerky won’t have all of those questionable “extra” ingredients such as flavorings, extracts, and modified this or that.