Like many, we all reflect on the past year, how it went, and what we want to accomplish by next year this time.
Year: 2015

This past weekend I hooked up with Rob and headed out for another weekend adventure. This time we set out for a backpacking trip through the Dolly Sods Wilderness area in West Virginia.
I am a big fan of cooking outdoors on my Kamado Joe grill. Lighting up that pile of lump charcoal and then watching the flames dance about just melts away the stress. Toss on a few pieces of wood for smoke flavoring, well it just brings out that inner caveman.
I have researched a lot of cast iron products for use on the grill. Of everything I have researched, Lodge has stood out above the rest. This product review is on the Lodge L2SP3 Pre-Seasoned Cast-Iron Serving Pot, 2-Quart, — or in my view, the perfect Kamado Joe sized 2-quart dutch oven.
Are you looking for a review on Mountain House freeze dried backpacking meals?
Today I am going to review the Mountain House Freeze Dried Beef Stroganoff With Noodles single serving entrée.
When doing stuff outside, eventually you are going to need to eat!
When I tear open a pouch of my homemade MREs, there might be a small can or two that needs to be opened.
My go-to can opener for doing stuff outside the infamous P-38. The very same one I have used since the time I was working for Uncle Sam. It has been described as the Army’s greatest invention.
Making your own char cloth for a fire starting tinder is really quick and easy to do!
I have been practicing my fire starting skills without using any matches or lighters and so can you!
Having fire-making options, that is, having a backup method is good insurance.
Char cloth is that no cost insurance policy you need.
We all like doing stuff outside!
Part of doing stuff outside, for me anyway, is practicing essential skills, such as making a campfire. Sometimes that campfire is for cooking, keeping warm, or just because campfires are part of camping! Many folks say that having the ability to start a fire is one of the most essential outdoor skills.
Okay, I have my freshly marinated meat strips in my food dehydrator for my homemade beef jerky. The temperature, or rather the thermostat is set to what my owner’s manual recommends.
How long should I dry it?
The first reason in my book for why I should make dehydrated food, — it saves me money!
Convenience and ease of storage are two other really good reasons to why to make dehydrated food, –think about all of those summertime ripe and delicious fruits and veggies.
Let’s not forget your own tasty homemade beef jerky.
Today as part of my series on homemade beef jerky, I am going to talk about how I go about slicing meat into jerky size pieces.